On behalf of all of us at Minnesota Independence College and Community, I thank you for taking this opportunity to explore our College, Career, and Community programs. Choosing the right program, whether it be for a future college or a summer camp experience, we know and recognize is an important decision, involving clear communication between you and our team. We at Minnesota Independence College and Community are committed to making this dialogue as informative and helpful as possible.
Since 1996, MICC students have been engaged in a challenging work-readiness curriculum and participated in internships with job coaches. This has been combined with training in critical independent living skills, in which our teaching takes place in the environments where our students will use the skills: in their apartments, at the grocery store, at the health club, on public transportation, etc. But what makes this place so special is the opportunity our students have to learn social skills among their peers and develop true healthy friendships that, for many, will last a lifetime.
In all of our programs we help individuals with autism and learning disabilities reach their potentials with support and guidance; we take great pride and responsibility in connecting our students and graduates with a community of opportunities. The families we serve are proud of the personal integrity and leadership qualities our graduates embody.
If you think Minnesota Independence College and Community offers the right opportunities for you and your family, please don't hesitate to contact our admissions staff at [email protected] or 612-876-9408, with questions or to schedule a visit of our programs.