Evan attributes his successful transition from school to work largely due to the hands-on training he received through his practicum sites, Arc Value Village, Good Grocer, and Walgreens, as part of MICC's Retail certificate program. Evan emphasized the Walgreens Redi Program improved his skills by learning inside knowledge specific to Walgreens such as stocking, completing outdates, updating weekly and monthly ads, and using a Telxon.
During the Retail certificate program, Evan's communication skills grew significantly. He shared, “I was shy at first, and apprehensive to talk to people. I learned to communicate better and to talk to customers.”
When asked about his proudest moment, Evan responded, “The MICC Virtual Tour. I have a certain voice I put on when speaking to customers at Walgreens, and it became the same voice I put on with the virtual tour. Working at Walgreens helped me become more confident speaking to others.”
Evan’s advice to students currently enrolled in the Careers certificate programs is:
“Don’t define yourself by your flaws or setbacks—you’ll learn and grow from your setbacks.”
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