How long have you been at MICC?
6 years.
Why did you choose to work at MICC?
I wanted to work in an educational setting that is non-traditional and I came across MICC.
What do you like best about your role at MICC?
I like the one on one connection that I get to have with our students as an Advisor. During Advisory sessions, I get to see a different side to our students that not everyone gets to see. I appreciate making connections with families and share jubilation when students make progress.
Tell us more about the development of this program/position.
Advisor is not new to MICC, but the role has become more specialized. The Advisory Pod consists of individuals with a diversity of academic backgrounds, which allows for more comprehension in providing viable options to our students' independence. My background is in School Counseling, so having a supervisor that is more specialized in Occupational Therapy encourages me to think more analytically when faced with student scenarios.
What are the various roles you have held in your tenure at MICC?
Evening Instructor, Job Coach, Work Readiness Coordinator, Advisor.
What are your responsibilities at MICC?
- Partake in the continuous development and implementation of an advisory program that focuses on and promotes students’ success
- Meet with students or student groups to mentor and support them in their MICC experience
- Ability to respond effectively to the needs of a diverse student group
- Establish and communicate clear objectives for all advisory learning objectives
There has been a lot of changes. The biggest is that MICC has been more intentional with creating more systematic policies and specialized employee roles into Pod formats. Having specialized Pods allows for more detailed lessons and integrated individualized plans for students to utilize. The systematic policies create more efficiency in and around the organization as a whole.
Could you share one of your favorite moments while at MICC?
One of my favorite moments was at a MICC Homecoming kickball game a couple of years ago. Students, members, parents/guardians and staff combined to play a massive kickball game. It was neat to see everyone come together and cheer each other on during the game. If someone didn't want to play, then that was okay and they conversed with peers or family on the side. It was a nice way to see the MICC community come together.
What do you like to do outside of MICC?
I like to visit my family and friends around the country. I like to be outdoors doing activities like hiking, camping or exploring a state park. These activities fulfill me from within and give me a healthy rejuvenation for life.